A global voice for greyhounds

Formed in 2001, GREY2K USA Worldwide is the largest greyhound protection organization in the world. As a non-profit entity, we work to pass stronger greyhound protection laws and end the cruelty of dog racing on both national and international levels. We also promote the rescue and adoption of greyhounds across the globe.

Ending the cruelty of greyhound racing

Greyhound racing is cruel and inhumane, and should be prohibited. GREY2K USA was the first organization to successfully outlaw dog racing using the ballot initiative process. In November 2008, the citizens of Massachusetts chose compassion over cruelty and voted 56%-44% to close down Raynham and Wonderland Greyhound Parks. On November 6, 2018, Floridians voted 69%-31% to phase out dog racing in the Sunshine State, ordering the closure of twelve historic tracks.

Since our formation, dozens of American dog tracks have closed for live racing, and dog racing is now illegal in 43 states. We also engage all around the globe to end the cruelty of commercial dog racing in the five other jurisdictions where it currently exists, and have blocked the introduction of greyhound gambling to countries such as South Africa, Jamaica and the Philippines.

Our Strategy



We work to pass stronger greyhound protection laws and prohibit dog racing in the United States and around the world.

increase awareness

Increase Awareness

We continually document the cruelty of dog racing through reports, conferences, petitions, action alerts and social media.


Promote Adoption

We regularly support greyhound adoption organizations and contribute financially to rescuing dogs as tracks close.

Our supporters

GREY2K USA Worldwide is an independent, non-profit effort entirely supported by its members. People from all walks of life — including school teachers, dog walkers, veterinarians, accountants, construction workers and corporate CEOs, have joined with us to help end dog racing. We have more than 300,000 supporters worldwide.

GREY2K USA Worldwide does not accept donations from individuals or corporations with a financial interest in commercial dog racing or the gambling industry.

If you would like to support our work, please make a donation and help end the cruelty of dog racing around the world.

Our Supporters and Allies

More ways to help dogs

Ways to help dogs
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