Did you know that gentle greyhounds are being drugged up with cocaine and steroids at racetracks across the country?

Newly-obtained state records reveal 847 drug positives over the past decade, including 71 greyhound cocaine positives. Class 1 positives – the most serious – spiked in 2017. Drug paraphernalia, including syringes and injectable vials, are frequently found in racing kennels. But instead of cleaning up their act, disreputable kennel operators insist that they are doing nothing wrong.

Read our report, No Confidence: Drugs in the American Greyhound Racing Industry now.

How you can help

  • Sign the petition to stop the drugging and racing of greyhounds

  • Please make a donation below to support our campaign to end this cruelty


GREY2K USA Worldwide is a non-profit 501(c)4 advocacy organization located at 7 Central Street, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476. 100% of donations support our mission to end dog racing, pass greyhound protection laws and promote greyhound adoption. We are grateful for personal and corporate contributions. Because GREY2K USA lobbies for greyhound legislation, contributions are not tax deductible.

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