Make a difference for greyhounds by volunteering to give them a voice!

When you join our social action team you will receive action alerts as well as weekly emails with suggested content to share on Twitter and Facebook to help raise awareness about greyhounds.

You can choose to tweet from your own Twitter account or represent a state, country, or region on behalf of GREY2K USA where available. We will follow and interact with the social media team accounts so that your tweets are seen by as large an audience as possible.

three black greyhounds

If you are interested in joining the social action team, please complete the below form:

* required field


Tell us about your previous volunteer experience:

Why would like to volunteer for GREY2K USA?

List any special training, language fluency, skills or interests:

How did you hear about GREY2K USA?

I would like to tweet from my own Twitter account

I would like to tweet from a GREY2K USA account

No preference

Follow us to help raise awareness about dog racing.